Kids Learning Tube
Kids Learning Tube is a channel of animated characters and fun songs to teach anyone all sorts of fun and educational material.

The Brain Scoop
I’m Emily, the Chief Curiosity Correspondent of The Field Museum in Chicago, former volunteer of the University of Montana Zoological Museum, and I’d like to share some of the amazing things we have in the collection with the Internet!

GEOgraphy Focus
The GEOfocus channel is all about geography – maps, flags, culture, languages, and travel. Explore countries and regions, important landmarks and geographical features (both natural and man-made), and international issues. Get to know planet Earth and how mankind interacts with it!

Nat Geo Kids
Nat Geo Kids makes it fun to explore your world with weird, wild, and wacky videos! Videos featuring awesome animals, cool science, funny pets, and more, are made just for curious kids like you. So pick a topic you love and start watching today!

Crash Course Kids
A bi-weekly show from the producers of Crash Course covering everything about gradeschool science. Learn about Earth, Habitats, Space, Chemical Reactions, Engineering, and more with host Sabrina Cruz. New uploads on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Beginning with 5th grade science, this series delves into Earth Science, Physical Science, Biology, Geography, Engineering, and Astronomy.